Busy Times Behind the Scenes

Leslie Ann Jones
Busy Times Behind the Scenes-Muscadine Press

When things get quiet around here, there are a few things that are guaranteed.

1. Life is busy. Even though I like to use the royal we when posting on social media, Muscadine Press is a one-woman show, and my kids are out of school for summer. Goodbye long, quiet hours at home. Hello chaos.

2. Fun new things are on the way. I've spent the past couple of months tweaking the kids' Dwell Journal, and the redesigned journals will launch online soon. I kept the original cover design (but adjusted some colors), and added two new covers to the mix. One for boys. One for girls. Get excited.

3. An event is coming up. True story. Mississippi Market is just next week, and I've been busy updating the line sheet, working on the booth, ordering all the things, and adding a brand spanking new product line to the collection. Even though I started with a mile-long list of things to do, I'm slowly but steadily checking things off, and the end is in sight. Now, if only my print orders would arrive, we'd be good to go.

I can't wait to share the new things with you, but I've got to get through the market first. Hang with me, y'all! It'll be here soon. Now that's enough about me! How are things with you?

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