How Hungry Are You?
Leslie Ann Jones
Can you believe that we're already a full month into 2020? I'm still getting used to writing 20 instead of 19 when I write the date. If the past is any indication, we'll be halfway through March before I finally get the hang of it. How long does it take you to remember? I know I'm not alone in this.
Last weekend I traveled to Nashville for my third Simeon Trust Bible Workshop. It's not your typical women's conference, that's for sure. It's a time of intense study with other Bible teachers, and it's one of my most favorite weekends of the year. The work is hard, but it's so, so good to open up the Word and plumb its depths with other women. Side note, my small group (pictured above) this year was the absolute best.
But in the days leading up to the workshop, I was so busy getting ready to launch the new collection (next week, y'all!) that I wished I hadn't signed up. I knew that it would be good once I got there, but pushing pause on all the work and leaving town for a few days seemed impossible.
Do you ever get so busy that you forget to stop and eat? You work right through lunch and before you know it, it's 3 p.m. before your growling stomach gets your attention. It's easy to get wrapped up in all the never-ending to dos on our lists, but none of it matters if we starve our souls in the process.
Last weekend, I sat down to a banquet overflowing with the riches of God's Word, and I left feeling full and sated for the first time in a long while. The truth is that my soul needed to connect deeply with the people of God over the Word of God much more than I realized. I was starving and didn't know it.
Are you starving too? Don't ignore the hunger pangs. Only when our souls are satisfied in the Lord are we able to thrive. Listen to the cravings of your soul, and give in. Read the Word. Join a Bible study. Sit under some good gospel preaching. Enjoy the fellowship of the church. Worship with abandon. Pray without ceasing. And be satisfied.
—Leslie Ann