
When Resolutions Fail
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I think it’s important to remember that Jesus isn’t sitting in heaven with a clipboard tracking our Bible reading each day....
When Resolutions Fail
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I think it’s important to remember that Jesus isn’t sitting in heaven with a clipboard tracking our Bible reading each day....

New Year. New Journal.
If you’re looking for a Bible study journal for 2023, our brand NEW Dwell Journal might be just the thing. With the same guided format as our original 30-day devotional journals, this...
New Year. New Journal.
If you’re looking for a Bible study journal for 2023, our brand NEW Dwell Journal might be just the thing. With the same guided format as our original 30-day devotional journals, this...

A Story Worth Telling
Have you ever wondered how the book of Jonah made it into the Bible?? It’s a question that’s occupied a large part of my thoughts over the past couple of...
A Story Worth Telling
Have you ever wondered how the book of Jonah made it into the Bible?? It’s a question that’s occupied a large part of my thoughts over the past couple of...

How Hungry Are You?
Do you ever get so busy that you forget to stop and eat? You work right through lunch and before you know it, it's 3 p.m. before your growling stomach gets...
How Hungry Are You?
Do you ever get so busy that you forget to stop and eat? You work right through lunch and before you know it, it's 3 p.m. before your growling stomach gets...

The Dwell Journal Method
Do you feel lost when you sit down to read your Bible? Like you know you should read it but have no idea what to do after you check off...
The Dwell Journal Method
Do you feel lost when you sit down to read your Bible? Like you know you should read it but have no idea what to do after you check off...

Linger Longer: Hear God's Voice through His Word
God has chosen, throughout time and history, to speak to us through his Word. If you want to abide in Jesus and become the person he intends for you to be, you must...
Linger Longer: Hear God's Voice through His Word
God has chosen, throughout time and history, to speak to us through his Word. If you want to abide in Jesus and become the person he intends for you to be, you must...